Admiral Studios Back-end Development Services

Is your website struggling with performance issues, server-side problems, or needing enhanced functionality? Maybe it's time for an upgrade or a new build. Admiral Studios will elevate your digital infrastructure with our outsourced back-end development services.

Our Back-end Development Solutions

Our team possesses unmatched expertise in back-end development and is proficient in the latest technologies and platforms, including Laravel, Apache2, Nginx, MySQL, and others. This expertise empowers us to deliver strong, secure, and scalable outsourced back-end solutions that support and enhance your website's overall functionality and user experience.

Why Choose Admiral Studios Back-end Development Services

  • Customized Development

    Our outsourcing back-end development services provide customized solutions that align seamlessly with your brand identity and business goals. This focus ensures a powerful, unique backend infrastructure, distinguishing your digital presence in a competitive market.


  • Robust Back-End Solutions

    We specialize in creating robust outsourced back-end solutions. Our expertise lies in building scalable and secure server-side applications, which are essential for handling data and ensuring optimal website performance across various platforms and devices.


  • Technical Support and IT Outsourcing

    Enjoy continuous, uninterrupted service with our 24/7 technical support. Our dedicated team, skilled in back-end development and technologies like MySQL and PostgreSQL, is always available to assist, ensuring your backend systems function seamlessly.


  • Diverse Expertise in Back-End Development

    Our team's diverse expertise extends to comprehensive outsourcing back-end development services, incorporating the latest technologies and trends. This approach enables us to develop advanced, secure, high-performing backend systems tailored to your requirements.


  • Domain Know-How with a Back-End Focus

    Utilizing extensive domain knowledge combined with our back-end development expertise, we understand and address the unique challenges of your industry. Our backend solutions are designed to support and enhance your digital presence.


  • Security in Back-End Development

    In our outsourced back-end development services, we prioritize the security of your systems. Employing advanced security measures and protocols, we safeguard sensitive data and ensure the integrity and reliability of your digital infrastructure.


What Type of Back-end Development Solution Are You Looking For?

  • Web Portals

    Our outsourced back-end development services for web portals provide a robust and secure backend architecture. Ideal for companies looking to outsource their back-end development, our approach ensures seamless integration and collaboration across your organization.

  • Websites

    In website development, our back-end solutions focus on creating powerful and efficient server-side functionality. Our agency ensures your website's backend is as compelling as its front end. We also provide robust SEO services!

  • E-commerce

    For e-commerce platforms, our back-end solutions are geared toward building secure and scalable databases and server-side functions. Our solutions make us an ideal partner for businesses seeking e-commerce development, including full-stack capabilities.

  • Web Apps

    In web app development, we excel in providing back-end solutions that power user-centric interfaces. Our services focus on building strong, efficient back-ends using technologies like Laravel, which are essential for responsive, interactive web applications.

Our technology stack



Nginx Development


MySQL Development


Eloquent Development

Eloquent ORM Development

Livewire Development


Our Professional Back-end Development Process

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    Discovering Your Requirements

    Our process begins by thoroughly understanding your business goals, target audience, and specific back-end needs. This initial step is crucial to ensure that our outsourcing back-end development services align seamlessly with your vision and objectives.

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    Back-End Development & Integration

    We focus on building a robust, secure, scalable back-end in the development and integration phase. We employ advanced technologies and methodologies to create a React.js back-end system that supports your application's needs.

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    Full-Cycle Testing

    Rigorous full-cycle testing is an essential part of our outsourcing back-end development process. We thoroughly test each back-end component for functionality, security, and performance, ensuring that your system is reliable, efficient, and free from vulnerabilities.

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    After the testing phase, we proceed with the implementation. This involves deploying the back-end of your application, ensuring a smooth integration with existing systems and front-end interfaces. Our team ensures that all technical aspects are addressed for optimal performance.

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    Maintenance and Support

    Our commitment to your project extends beyond its initial deployment. We aim to ensure that your back-end system remains up-to-date and continues to meet your business's demands, reflecting our dedication to comprehensive outsourcing back-end development services.

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What’s the difference between front-end and back-end?


Front-end development focuses on the user interface and experience, involving design and interactivity visible to users. On the other hand, back-end development deals with the server, application, and database, ensuring data processing and functionality of the website or application.

How long does back-end development take?


The duration of outsourcing back-end development varies based on project complexity and requirements. Typically, a basic back-end system can take a few weeks, while more complex solutions may require several months of development by our experienced agency team.

Why is the back end needed?


The back end is crucial as it manages the database, server operations, and application logic. It processes user requests, handles data storage and retrieval, and ensures web applications and websites' overall functionality and security.

What are the types of back-end services?


Our outsourcing back-end development company offers various back-end services, including database design and management, server-side scripting, API development, cloud computing services, and integration of various back-end systems to create a cohesive and functional digital solution.

How does the back end interact with the front end?


The back end interacts with the front end through APIs and web services. It processes front-end requests, retrieves or stores data, and then sends the response back to the front end, displaying the result to the user.

What is your approach to testing and quality assurance?


Our agency emphasizes thorough testing and quality assurance, including unit testing, integration testing, and security assessments. This ensures the back end is reliable, efficient, and secure, delivering a high-quality user experience.

How scalable will the backend be?


Our back-end systems are highly scalable and adaptable to growth in user traffic and data volume. We use modern frameworks and cloud-based solutions to ensure the back end can adapt to changing business needs.

What's the estimated timeline and cost for the backend development of my project?


Contact our outsourcing back-end development company for a consultation. We will analyze your project requirements, provide an estimated timeline and cost, and outline our approach to deliver a successful back-end solution tailored to your business goals.

Can you provide examples of similar projects you've worked on?


Certainly! Our agency's portfolio showcases a variety of projects we've completed, demonstrating our experience and expertise in outsourced back-end development across different industries.

How will we communicate and track progress throughout the development process?


We offer detailed communication plans and options. Our team will work closely with you to ensure transparency and regular updates throughout development, facilitating a collaborative and efficient partnership.

Contact us

Fill out the form, outsource all the tasks, and we will contact you ASAP!